It'll happen on coming Wednesday (25th March 2009) from 10.45 A.M onwards at lecture hall no: 306, SLIIT Malabe campus. Mr.Suchetha Wijenayake, who has always been kindly in help with our past events, will address the event. Though I used the word "Address" there, it'll be more of a friendly talk which would make everyone feel good enough to ask any kind of a FOSS related question. I swear on my experiences.

There have been many newcomers looking for a way to join with SLIIT FOSS community. I hope this event will be a good chance to gather all the enthusiasts & keep the community going forward even stronger. Someone who want to get in conversation even before the event happens can use following resources to keep in touch with the community.
The SLIIT FOSS community forum.
The forum is based on SLIIT courseweb so Only the SLIIT students who have access to the courseweb can join the forum. Just go and checkout. Share your ideas or maybe questions.
Fossified email.
Yes we have an email and it is fossifed [at] gmail [dot] com. You won't get a lightening fast reply but this is a good way to contact us. And the best thing is anyone can use email :) .
The IRC channel.
Well.. this might sound new or may be goofy for some of you & at the same time some others will be excited. we have an IRC channel for SLIIT on which is for now not very active but I hope things will soon change as more SLIIT folks get to know about this. The channel is #sliit any one can visit it on your browser through mibbit web client Freenode webchat (Just choose a nick an join).
Ok, enough said. You just keep us busy making emails, forum posts & chatting on IRC. And don't forget the event on wednesday.